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  • The Muletier Challenge 2025

    This year, our event is evolving with a more personalized and "Frenchified" concept. The term "ChaLenge", with only one L, comes from old French and means "challenge". It is a nod to our desire to modernize while remaining anchored in tradition. The big news: the Challenge is open to everyone! Whether you are an owner, a professional wishing to embark on the mule adventure, having your own mule or a mule entrusted to work, or a behaviorist working with a mule in rehabilitation, you are welcome! Two conditions to participate: 1. The mule must be young or unbroken. 2. Or, it must be a rescue mule, faithful to our commitment to help mules in difficulty. When? The ChaLenge final will take place on August 30 and 31, 2025. Where? This year, Anne and Patrick Van Aubel are doing us the honor of hosting the event at the Vallée aux cerfs, in Vienne. We want to move the ChaLenge each year to showcase mules throughout France. How to participate? Volunteer coaches and volunteers can contact us by filling out a short form accompanied by a short presentation video. We will select a maximum of 15 participants. Once selected, you embark on the adventure! Like last year, the public will be able to follow the evolution of your work via videos published on our Facebook page The ChaLenge lasts for a period of about 7 months, which can be longer or shorter depending on the mule. For example, for a rescue mule, it may be necessary to take more time to help it adapt to its new environment. The Muletier Challenge trials 1. Mule Trail: a unique discipline that mixes ranch trail and mountain trail, highlighting the relationship between the mule and its trainer, as well as the technique and work done. 2. Freestyle: let your imagination run wild! 3. Freedom: a test where the mule evolves in complete freedom. All disciplines related to mule work are accepted: packsaddles, animal traction, horse riding (all horizons) and harnessing. Whether mounted or on foot, you can participate. A benevolent jury will help participants to progress, by providing them with feedback to improve after the events, we are in Mulardie! Competition for seasoned mules: On Sunday afternoon, a competition will be offered to experienced mules. For any request for additional information or to obtain the complete rules, do not hesitate to contact us. Finally, last year's coaching team will join the "office" this year, a sort of council of wise men, to support you and help you in case of difficulty. "A huge thank you to the JNR Ranch and the first team of trainers who, last year, took up the challenge brilliantly and allowed this great adventure to continue. Without them, we would not be where we are today."

  • Nikita d'Annay

    Nikita sta cercando il suo umano per la vita ONC Born on January 1, 2011 Height 1.20 m 13 years old She was born in Pas de Calais, arrived at Muriel's around 2015 She came from a shelter that thought she was a donkey... Nikita is therefore adopted by an individual as a donkey, the individual does not cope because Nikita, dominant, attacks the ponies, this person calls on a "Cowboy" who subdues her by tying her to a tree, Nikita hurts herself and then becomes furious, unapproachable Arriving at Muriel's, furious, mad with rage she throws herself into the walls, bangs her head against the walls of the box, so violently that she bleeds. From there, the choice is made to work in freedom. Muriel works her with a 3 m long bamboo, to approach contact. It worked well after 9 weeks, Nikita gave her feet, let herself be touched by the hand all over her body. Some French people came to buy her for harnessing, put her in harness in a week... Muriel had warned her that Nikita was tame but not educated, these "mule connoisseurs" did not win against Nikita, and she returned to Muriel where the approach work had to be redone, then put out to pasture for mental cleaning. Nikita was perfect in harnessing, but tried to violently attack humans when they entered the box From there she joined the RMMO with Nadja who does an extraordinary job Nikita is particularly intelligent, but with a heart as big as that, her relationship with humans will be exclusive The trainer's word: "Nadja calls her "Stormy of mules", capable of the best in expert hands, a great challenge with a human who will have time to give her, she does not tolerate boredom well. Her future human will be an adult, with good knowledge of equines" Determined and smart as a monkey, she will excel in all disciplines Equifeel, Mountain trail fingers in the nose, pack saddle, which she will proudly wear for her human, to the ends of the earth Nikita knows harnessing, but must settle down before resuming She lives willingly with ponies or donkeys, but has a preference for old ponies that reassure and calm her The option of a pet mule but with frequent interaction with its human is possible You can follow Nikita's progress with Nadja on our YouTube channel She is currently being fostered by the Mini family at JNR Ranch in the Dordogne, where you can meet her For any information contact us:

  • Being a Muleteer

    Originally, the term muleteer referred to this strong and jovial man who spent his life on the roads with his mule couple, about ten animals, while the rafardier generally had less than six. In the 21st century, most of us are simple rafardiers, with our single mule. Using the term rafardier to echo the term cavalier would certainly be correct, but nevertheless anachronistic. We will therefore designate the owner of a mule as a muleteer, aware of the evolution of the meaning, and taking refuge behind this semantic shift specific to living languages, which adapt to the times so as not to disappear. Thus, muletier echoes cavalier, a title that we, simple mortals of the 21st century, wear with pride despite the change of times. Have a mule This raises a lot of questions, "I would like a mule, but I don't know anything about it and it doesn't seem easy!" To have a mule it is not necessary to know, but to be, I'll explain: The mule is intelligent and whimsical, yes we know that, she is capable of cunning and humor, but she is also hypersensitive, and there we are not exaggerating, more than a horse. She will scan you from head to toe, to know if she can trust you with her life, sometimes there will be an immediate crush, and that is perfection, the selection criterion! sometimes she will take time to gauge you and only come out of her silence after several months, even several years, go 2 years maximum we reassure you... The first quality of the mule driver is undoubtedly patience! The beast could only be fully operational in several months... There is a real game of seduction that can take time (and it is also quite fascinating), but this is not always true. Some mules are very familiar from the beginning. Good origins, education from a young age will make them an animal relatively close to the horse, but a smart and slightly hooligan horse Forming a duo with a mule is a unique alchemy for each pair. For example, Noisette will be adorable with Léon, but when Émilie buys him, she will not be able to do anything with him, absolutely nothing! Émilie will even end up wondering if Léon had not drugged his mule before selling it to her! Once this more or less long seduction phase is over and successful, patience remains essential when working with the mule. She often thinks before she acts, which can take time… And sometimes, the result of her thinking is at odds with your request. That’s where that famous phrase comes in: “Make your idea hers.” Yes, but sometimes, the mule says exactly the same thing and does a great job of “Make her idea yours!” Hence the importance of the second essential quality: perseverance, accompanied by an anchoring as firm as hers, and always without violence! Because being violent with a mule is exposing yourself to your own violence and to a total closure of dialogue. It is up to you to understand why she says no to you. Thus, the third necessary quality is the ability to reflect and to show empathy. When Noisette expresses her refusal, it is very often due to a misunderstanding, a discomfort, a pain, or else, and this is frequent, she simply wants to tell you: "There is something that interests me there, much more than you!" or "My friend from the meadow is not well." It is up to you to understand and give her an answer It is often said that you have to be humble. Of course, we are immensely proud when we have gone through all the stages and that Noisette knows how to do lots of things. So, we want to share this pride, to do a demonstration in front of friends, to prove to them that mules are intelligent and that you have tamed the beast! And there, no luck, just that day, Noisette does not want to do anything, she had a bad night. At the competition, she refuses to pass the bars and does her famous stubbornness, you have not demonstrated anything at all! This is where another quality becomes essential: a sense of humor, because she will often put it to the test. Mules are mischievous, sometimes even a little crazy! Mules have a much sharper survival instinct than horses. Of course, they are colder and think more, but if they feel that their life is in danger, not only will you get nothing from them, but the situation can become dangerous for you, because at that point, you will no longer exist in their eyes. A word of advice: don't insist. Besides, they are often right. Many stories testify to this ability they have to sense danger before it occurs. Once Noisette has chosen you, after the adaptation phase and the tests she has imposed on you, rest assured: you will have a faithful, attentive companion, and happy to interact with you. Most of the time, she will be up for anything. Versatile, they love to learn and share moments with their human with whom they very often establish an exclusive relationship. It is a bit like a big dog that you can trust, because their intelligence allows them to understand and avoid dangerous situations. The technique will come later, as the challenges are encountered. At that point, you can call on a suitable professional, if necessary. As for the reputation of "dirty beast", it is largely usurped. At one time, they were made to move forward with sticks; of course, they did not miss the opportunity to correct their trainers! The professionals who worked this way took big risks, because the mule is agile and knows how to aim. This is how many derogatory proverbs were born about them. However, be careful with mules that have been poorly educated, either violently or not educated, they can be potentially dangerous, remain cautious during the domestication phase, they are not all Care Bears Today, and even in the past for some elders, we recognize the sensitivity and finesse of this animal. Mules are adorable companions, safe and reliable for their bipedal companions, even if they always have an idea in mind that is not necessarily yours. But we get used to it, and it makes us laugh.

  • Back to the first Mulardian challenge

    Here we are back after a well-deserved recovery time! What can we say about this first challenge? A real success, that's for sure! A top logistics team, whether it's the Mule Qui Peut association, thanks to Carole Drogoul ; Rémy Pipet ; Joseph Vilcompte des Mangouste ; Agnès Martin ; Cécile Rohart ; L'écrin des mules ; Louis Van (Mr. Beers) or that of JNR Ranch ; Nathalie Mini   Joshua Mini ; Jed Mini and all their friends Despite uncertain weather, the rain finally spared our event. From the beginning, our coaches and their companions showed great professionalism. Beautiful duos, each with their own specialty, which made the task difficult for the jury. It was necessary to develop a scoring system taking into account different criteria: the immense relational work for some, the technique for others, without forgetting the evolution, the starting point of each mule and the path taken by each couple. MMO A points grid was set up to provide an objective assessment of the work provided, and the differences in marks were tiny! The coaches really delivered. In free style, Raphaelle gave us a magnificent demonstration in freedom, all in finesse. Anouk gave us a demonstration of archery with an attentive Kalinka. Olivier gave us a nice demonstration of ground work. Nadja also gave us a magnificent demonstration in the colors of Lorraine with Préciosa, as well as a test of "even not afraid" with Nikita. Coralie presented Kouli mounted with Chibo on the right. Finally, Joshua offered a small demonstration of maneuverability and rooping with Julia. Videos will follow RMMO What an incredible adventure! Old people from the region, with tears in their eyes to see mules again, curious tourists discovering this fascinating animal, professionals from the equestrian world, without forgetting our loyal subscribers present on this page. The atmosphere was warm and joyful. A huge thank you to the JNR Ranch to the exhibitors: Tjt Etho (Who studies a halter adapted to mules) Sellerie Boucle d'Or, SAFE HP represented by Laurent Balmana; Randoline and Claude Garrabé who, with Pascal Garnier, are perpetuating the history of Mulardie, and have dressed Kalinka with the famous Sambu saddle and one of its cabestres A special thank you to our jury: Muriel Herion and Pascal Garnier, coming from two different backgrounds but united by their love for this extraordinary animal. During these two days, all generations gathered around the mule, whether to celebrate its past, to honor it in the present, or to reflect on its promising future... The young muleteers are also full of promise for the future Short report on France 3 Pèrigords, many thanks to Bertrand Lasseguette The videos are visible on our channel YouTube

  • MMO/RMMO 2024 Final Logistics

    𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙚! D-Day is fast approaching, only one month left to reach the final, this means: - Attend the very first edition of the MMO made in France - Attend the innovative concept of the RMMO, reintegrate rescue mules into the owner circuit - Meet all the players in the world of mules, share their passion - And maybe why not find your companion for life, by meeting Duende, Nikita and Fortune Come in large numbers, we are counting on you To know everything, where, when, how Getting there By Train: Gare de Limoges Gare de Périgueux Gare d'Angoulême We can organize group repatriations, but note that only one departure will be planned during the day to make the connection between the station and the ranch. By car In carpooling Responsible Remy Pipet and Joseph Vilcompte of Mangouste a carpooling application is available Ici Accommodation To find accommodation for the duration of the event you have the choice between: Airbnb: you will find here the list of airbnbs in the region Camping de Busserolles with the link to the campsite website here L'Oasis a gite in the region the link to the website here Eat Everything is planned on site, catering and drinks If you are tempted by the adventure, don't forget to show your presence on the Facebook event. This will allow us to organize this great weekend as best as possible! And let's not forget to thank our partners! Safe: SAFE HP soles, made in France with durable polyurethane, offer an innovative and respectful solution for horses' feet, meeting evolving needs. Brasserie tête de mule: The brewery located in the surroundings of Coulon, created in 2014 and located in the heart of the Marais Poitevin, makes its Tête de mule beers according to traditional methods in a renovated old dairy, and won the 2020 Excellence Award. A muleteer always needs his drink! Tjt Etho: offers personalized and tailor-made ethological riding equipment, including rope, Biothane or leather halters, bridles, reins, and more, adapted to various equestrian practices and different types of equine, with high-quality French artisanal creations. AC Custom Saddlery: Workshop for the artisanal manufacture of saddles and harnesses for horses and mules. you will find his Facebook page here Garde ta licornes: Garde Ma Licorne is an online platform designed to connect horse owners at home, offering a practical solution to take care of their horses in their absence. Sellerie Boucle d'Or: artisanal and custom-made manufacture of lightweight saddles (11.5kg) for western and hiking, as well as leather and mohair wool items, for the practice of horse travel and western riding.


    We have selected four saddlers specializing in mule saddles, including two French artisans that we particularly appreciate, a talented Czech craftsman, and an American designer offering ready-to-wear. In all cases, these are exclusively western saddles. Each saddler has his own style, his signature, and a unique look. Prices start from €2,900 for custom-made. AC Custom Saddlery: Aurore Cachera completed a two-year training in biomechanics through various clinics in the United States. Her flagship model, the *Horizon* saddle, is available from €3,000 (excluding shipping costs). This saddle is distinguished by particularly careful embossing, which can be personalized. Custom-made wooden tree, covered in rawhide, with and without horn For the wade model, wooden tree covered in resin Weight 10 to 12 kg Bridlework and harness are also part of the catalog High-end saddlery To find out more, visit her Facebook page: AC Custom Saddlery : Trois modéles de selles Horizons, dont une sans corne Le modèle Wade plus élaboré Sellerie boucle d'Or Amélia François Perrier specializes in creating touring saddles that combine lightness and aesthetics. Her saddles, weighing between 9 and 11 kg, are distinguished by meticulous leather embossing work, offering an elegant and personalized finish. The custom-made saddle trees are made of wood and covered in fiberglass, guaranteeing robustness and lightness. In addition to saddles, Amélia François Perrier offers a range of matching luggage and straps, designed with the same attention to detail. The price of these artisanal pieces starts at 2900 euros excluding shipping costs Her page Facebook Karel Císař Karel, a craftsman based in the Czech Republic with over 24 years of experience, is renowned for his quality saddles, used all over the world, including in the United States. He was trained by a master saddler influenced by the American Wild West tradition. Karel has mastered the art of mule saddles, knowing the anatomy of their backs in depth. His saddles, crafted with meticulous care, start at 3200 euros. They are designed on a wooden tree covered with fiberglass. The price varies depending on the leather used, the options chosen, and the specific requests of the customers. In addition to saddles, Karel also makes luggage and pack saddles, always with the same attention to detail and craftsmanship. Karel does not talk about weight but about the beauty of each piece His page Facebook : These three craftsmen specialize in making custom saddles, both for mules and horses. The fourth, however, is an American craftsman who stands out for his different approach: he offers "ready-to-wear" saddles. Although his finishes are less refined and there is no possibility of customization, his saddles, surprisingly suitable for a wide range of mules, remain of very good quality. I would therefore mention the Steve Edwards saddles With customs and shipping costs, you will have to count around 2500 euros for a basic model. These saddles generally weigh between 9 and 12 kg. For more information, you can visit his website: Steve Edwards Mule Saddles The presentation of the saddlers is not exhaustive, but these are the four craftsmen from whom we have received a lot of positive feedback. Pour en savoir plus sur les selles, vous pouvez aller sur le post précèdent ;

  • The story of Little Mule

    This little tale is inspired by situations encountered that we have learned about. Keep in mind that mules don't like change. Once upon a time, there was a little mule born like that, not wanted. Her mother was a nice, very pretty and gentle mare. We don't know his dad. He passed through there, fell in love with the pretty mother, and their meeting was fleeting and passionate. But she never saw him again, this handsome long-eared firedamp. The original family Little Mule came into the world one afternoon in June. It was sunny and already hot. His mother was there, with all her maternal love. Funny animals approached. They stood on two legs, had no ears, and no snout, but moved a lot while making a lot of noises with their mouths. Little Mule was not very reassured, but his sweet mother seemed at ease with these animals. So, Little Mule accepted them. Months passed, turning into years. Little Mule had a delicious face, a magnificently well-proportioned body, a dream dress, with the character of a mule! The first flat faces he had seen often came to see him, scratch him, give him carrots. Little Mule liked them, but didn't really like it when they put the “halter” on him. When he didn't feel like it, higher pitched sounds came out of their mouths, and sometimes they wanted to race him. Little Mule was very proud to run faster than them. Then came a time when flat faces no longer came. It was at this time that his mother explained to him that these funny animals were called humans. He and his mother were waiting for them. They saw them pass in the distance, without a glance, their heads bowed. 1st change, bad luck One day, a human came with a female human. Little Mule immediately felt that this one was a human owl. Her hands knew how to caress him, her voice spoke to him, and her calm was the same as that of his mother. The human put on the halter, put him in a box which moved. It was funny. Then the box stopped. He went down to an unknown place, a little scared, and his mother was no longer there. But the human was there. He held on to it very tightly. She taught him lots of things. She didn't speak mule very well, her accent was very strong, but the words from her heart were perfectly understandable. One fine day, the Human no longer came. It lasted so long... Then she reappeared, with a third leg, and a new human. Little Mule got back into the moving box, it was funny. 2nd change, the strong one And there, another new place with lots of friends like him, but taller, with shorter ears, and moms, lots of moms! No, they weren't moms, they made it clear to him. Little Mule turned towards the new human who had left. For the first time, he felt sad and lost, alone in the world. The Human came back, so Little Mule played with him who can run the fastest, and high-pitched sounds came out of the human's mouth, it was so good! Then the human left, his body tense, an ugly gray cloud around him. Brrr, it wasn't comfortable for Little Mule. The Human came back after dark. Little Mule was happy, he likes humans, and he played with the Human. Then, suddenly, he fell; something was blocking his legs. Wow ! And he had hurt his neck. Little Mule, lying like this in the meadow, already felt stupid, but also vulnerable. The Human came over, pulled him to his feet and did a lot of nasty things, making way too much noise with his mouth. Then she tied him to a tree. Little Mule was at the end of his life. It lasted a day and a night. The Human came back, and Little Mule was very angry. He told her with his hind feet! And he ran away, far, far away, and never again was Human able to catch up with him. When he saw him come back, a long, long time later, he was on three legs too. These humans are weird though. He arrived with another human, in bad shape, who didn't smell very good, a mixture of fear and human smell. In any case, Little Mule didn't like it right away! The two humans pulled him back down and into the box. It's funny, the box. 3rd change the horse dealer From there he arrived in another box, without sky, with a lot of hay. How sad it was and this smell of fear... Little Mule had never been so sad and alone. So we can't trust humans? 4° change the refuge One day, a Human came. Little Mule had his doubts, but she looked like his first human. Then we had to move away from this place. Re-halter, re-box and oh! At the exit, a meadow with friends! So there were small ears, but also new creatures with long ears, and others with horns. In short, it was very interesting to study. But there, no more question of humans. He knew they were smart, but not trustworthy. The new Human seemed very busy but came by to give him a scratch and a piece of carrot. Little Mule calmed down, but he was terribly bored. 5th change the nice human but who doesn't speak mule Again, a Human came. Reluctant at first, Little Mulet did everything right: the halter, the rolling box, always so funny. And there, he arrived in a large meadow without anyone, except the new human, who spent a lot of time with him. That was cool. So, Little Mule started playing running again with the Human, but she didn't run, too bad, he was content with the sweet sounds that came out of her mouth, and despite the boredom it was overall pleasant... One day, she arrived with something that she put on his back. What a fright! Little Mule took off like crazy, defending himself vigorously with his hindquarters. The thing on the back ended up falling, and from a distance, he saw the Human who had fallen too, making a lot, really a lot of noise with her mouth. Then she didn't come back. Little Mule was really too bored, so he jumped over the wires and took off with his nose in the wind. He was having the time of his life when a big blue car with humans stopped in front of him. Ouch, it smells like a rope... but hey, after all, they're humans. He surendered. They brought him back to the meadow, and there, Little Mule saw the Human on three legs. Definitely... 6° change back to shelter He went back into the box and found small ears, long ears and horns. The human was no longer part of his world, even if the human who took care of him seemed nice. What's the point ? 7° change the human who found it beautiful and rewarding A human came, true to his natural curiosity, the little mule followed this human into this moving box, a place he always found so amusing. But once he arrived at his destination, things took a different turn: the little mule, overwhelmed by stress and novelty, ran away. Indeed, for him, it was too much! The game was no longer fun and the situation was becoming too oppressive. Every time the human tried to approach, the little mule reacted with great anger, much more intense than usual. After what seemed to him to be a fairly short period of time, he climbed back into the moving box and came down again, this time with his fellows: the little ones, the long ears and the horned ones. 8° change back to the shelter Finally, he felt safe again. Certainly, he was sometimes bored in this new environment, but there was comfort in this routine: no ropes to restrict him, no canes to punish him, and above all, no loud and frightening noises coming from the room. mouths of flat-faced humans. Here he could find a semblance of peace, far from the threats and agitations of men. 9th change “He’s so cute” “He’s so cute,” the little mule often heard from a young human girl. Attracted by this voice, he followed her into the moving box. But upon arrival, stressed and becoming wilder, he fled again. His aggression frightened the young human, which only made the situation worse. Finally, the little mule was sent back to the little, long-eared and horned ones, where he felt safe, far from the noise and constraints of humans. 10th change return to shelter Back at the shelter, Petit Mulet does not have a good reputation. He runs away all the time, stays in his corner, and accepts carrots with his lips. The human says he was mistreated, but he doesn't understand what that means. What he knows, deep down, is that humans have disappointed him. 11th change The good ones! Little Mule is now 11 years old. Sad and disillusioned, he is bored and does stupid things like a mule. He masters fences, gates, and often fights. You have to take care. One day, a human and a human arrive. They catch his attention and, perplexed, he climbs into the box. When he arrives, of course, he flees, but they let him. Sometimes they approach him, talking to him mule. Oh, mule-speaking humans! Too eager for interaction and too curious, Little Mule slowly lets go of his defenses. The couple said: "He's been with us for two years now. He's made great progress." And it’s true, Petit Mulet appreciated the care they gave him. How much better we look with short feet! The couple says: “Little Mulet has been with us for 10 years. We did our first competitions, he came first everywhere.” Little Mule thinks: “I like to rest my head on your shoulders, I like your caresses, I love you.” The couple says: "He's been with us for 30 years. We've come a long way. We're going to miss him terribly," they say soberly, their eyes red, their faces marked by the pain of mourning, hunched over by suffering. Little Mule watches over them from up there, determined to send them a new companion. Humans call it the Mule Virus, but mules know it as Mule Power! Mules and mules are neither donkeys, nor horses, nor toys. They are intelligent animals that need interaction, learning and exercise. If you are considering adopting one, get help from professionals in the mule world. Do not take the risk of making your protégé experience an unfortunate story, like that of the Little Mule, or of putting yourself in danger.

  • Update on the month of June

    There are only two months left before the final... The level of technicality is increasing, and the coaches have crossed the relational barrier. However, for Olivier and Jérémy, who are only two months into their relationship, it's still timid even if things are progressing well. Each approach is respectable, and there are neither suffering mules nor rebels; they trust their coaches. RMMO Duende and Raphaëlle Raphaëlle takes her time; the couple accomplishes very beautiful things. Their relationship is magnificent, which is what Duende needed: gentleness and respect. It turns out that Duende often remains on guard and can go on alert quickly out of fear. For this reason, Raphaëlle decided to wait until he was calmer before breaking him, asking for the help of her pony, Émilou, for outings in hand and in the hands. Despite this, she continues to work on the mount. Duende is up to date on everything: paperwork, dental care, trimming and osteopathic follow-up. Nikita and Nadja The most beautiful and hard work in this couple is trust. Nikita, the rebel, has truly packed her bags with Nadja as her reference, in whom she has blind trust. However, the worry is that Nikita won't always stay with Nadja, so the work takes another direction: learning to trust other humans. On a technical level, Nikita is on point; her extraordinary intelligence and her desire to learn make her a versatile little mule capable of anything. Nikita is up to date with her papers, vaccinations and trimmings. Fortune and Jeremy Fortune... the purebred phenomenon! Sure, there was a somewhat traumatic event in his life, but Fortune nonetheless remains a very determined and intelligent mule. Humans can be tested, we must be wary of them, they are atavistic. However, humans also scratch and feed... Fortune is in constant reflection. He came across the right coach; Jérémy is precise in his requests, firm and does not let himself be impressed. Fortune gradually begins to trust him, and progress is visible: he relaxes and no longer systematically avoids human approach. Working in freedom, with decision-making, would suit him completely. He is as beautiful as a pure-blooded God. Attention equestrian artists! Fortune is up to date on her paperwork, her vaccinations are up to date, and her trimming was only done a few days ago. To support RMMO coaches, click here: MMO Kalinka and the Globe-Crotters Kalinka, started from scratch and wild, evolves in a linear way. The Globe-Crotters pedagogy suits him well: it is concrete and structured. She has tried long reins and moves perfectly under the saddle. She begins the basics of work on the flat, start of work on both slopes, mobilization of the hips and shoulders. An approach that suits her well because she understands quickly and is very discerning. Despite some misunderstandings, she is full of good will. A super mule in perspective. She made several discoveries, the van she returned to after a careful inspection and her bit Canina and Olivier Canina had been entrusted to Olivier for rehabilitation. An unmanageable mule because it is confused and unpredictable, she had already been worked on but not with the right methods, notably "with a stick". The more Olivier works on her, the more he realizes the damage caused to this pretty, energetic and determined mule. His gentle approach, combined with superb mastery of the equestrian art, allowed him to gain Canina's trust within two months. This confidence is acquired, that's for sure, but only Olivier can approach it and there are still flaws. Canina would have had more of a place in the RMMO than the MMO. The behavioral aspect of Canina blocks its technical evolution. However, Canina accepts the long reins and the free work, and follows Olivier like his shadow. Preciosa and Nadja Everything happens like a dream between Preciosa and Nadja. This pretty, mischievous mule is an excellent student in the hands of an excellent teacher. Preciosa has been immersed in the world of driving, goes outdoors on short courses and seems at ease with everything. All that remains is the improvement to work on during the remaining two months. What better can we hope for? Everything runs smoothly, without jerks. Kouli and Coralie It seems that Coralie has made good progress with her two mules, Kouli and Chibo. Coralie refines her work with Kouli, a large mule who was considered a "bad boy" in his early days. However, with time and effort, he has proven to be a great partner. They do a lot of outdoor outings and do some work sessions on the flat, but always in a spirit of connection and mutual respect. Kouli is now ridden at three gaits (walk, trot, gallop). They even took part in a Mountain trail event As for Chibo, the Spanish mule, he finally begins to trust Coralie and comes to contact himself. Chibo now exits dextral, meaning he is driven with his right hand when exiting. Julia and Joshua Joshua's saddle problem appears to be being resolved. Joshua cobbled together a makeshift drain to prevent the saddle from moving forward on his mount's shoulders, while waiting for the custom-made saddle. Thus, the work in the saddle could begin correctly. Being destined to become a ranch mule, maneuverability is paramount to this couple, and that's what they're currently working on. Julia, due to her Lusitanian origins, is very fine and responsive, with a lot of energy and feline flexibility. It is a pleasant and comfortable mount, but not always easy to manage. Eporedo and Patricia Éporédo, our little autistic mule for the challenge, continues his education as a mountain mule with Patricia. Finesse and reactivity are essential, because in the high mountains, Patricia cannot afford approximations, that would be too dangerous. As a reminder, this couple is in MMO (Mule Makeover), because Patricia adopted Éporédo. He comes from a shelter, and we don't know his history or even his age. It has the RMMO (Rescue Mule Makeover) mule profile. Despite this, this life with the great Lamy and other companions, as well as the work sessions with Patricia, does not seem to displease Éporédo. He continues to learn, and maybe one day he will open up completely, or maybe not. The question remains: who is really Eporedo?

  • The anatomy of mules

    The Anatomy of Mules: A Unique Blend! The study of the anatomy of mules, resulting from the cross between a mare (female horse) and a male donkey, involves combining the anatomical characteristics of their parents. This process is like putting horse and donkey traits into a shaker to achieve a variety of unique results. General There are mainly two types of mules: the horse mule and the donkey mule. The mule horse takes more characteristics from its mother (the mare), while the mule donkey more closely resembles its father (the donkey). - Head and neck: The mule-donkey has a strong and heavy head, resting more on the shoulders, while the mule-horse has a lighter head, making it easier to transfer the weight to the hindquarters. - Back: The greater the influence of the donkey, the straighter the back will be. - Feet: In general, the feet of mules resemble those of donkeys: smaller and oval in shape. - Ears: One constant among all mules: long ears! Osteology: Study of the bones reveals few significant differences between horse and mule skeletons, complicating the work of historians during archaeological digs. For example, the femur of a horse and that of a mule are almost identical. Spine: The spine may vary: - Donkey: C7 T18 L5 S5 Co15-17 - Horse: C7 T18 L6 S5 Co15-21 For both species 7 cervical, 18 thoracic, but 6 lumbar in horses, 5 in the donkey but also the barbed horse and the Arabian horse, horses have more coccygeal vertebrae, therefore a longer tail The donkey's neck is shorter, this is due to the morphology of the vertebrae and not the number - Mules can have 5 or 6 lumbar vertebrae. Basin : The donkey's sacrum, shorter and narrower, is more horizontal, which gives a flat back but allows better lift. Members : The donkey's femur is shorter than that of the horse, but in the mule it tends to resemble that of the horse. The donkey's shoulder is more vertical, requiring shorter strides. Genital tool : For donkeys, in females, the cervix is ​​long and narrow, complicating insemination and increasing the risk of tearing during childbirth. in males, the testes and epididymides are relatively large, with a non-glabrous scrotum. Feet : The general structure and anatomy of the foot are transposable to the donkey and the mule. The few differences that exist with the horse are however essential because they determine the good maintenance and overall health of the foot. More rounded in shape, a view of the plantar surface of the foot gives a wall in lyre shape. The donkey's feet are small and the support is mainly on the clamp and udders giving these characteristic struck looks. The sole has a reduced role, and the heels do not open as they do with each foot strike in the horse. The horn has a high humidity level, it is thick but not very dense compared to that of the horse. A very good post was made by Anouk Nathan, on this site “Le pied des mules” Dentition : There are few differences between the teeth of donkeys and horses. In donkeys, the permanent second molar appears between 5 and 9 months earlier than in horses, around 15 months. Skull: Differences include a narrower nasal passage in the donkey, more prominent arches, and greater development of the occipital protuberance. According to S. Arloing (1876), the hinny and the mule retain more of the characteristics of their mother's head. There are many small differences not mentioned, but it's hyper specific Âne Cheval Myology : Muscle quality differs, but the muscle structure of horses and donkeys is broadly similar, on a strictly anatomical level. Digestive system : The difference is in physiology, but the organs are identical in mules, horses and donkeys. For further : Given the lack of serious and contemporary documentation on this subject, this post will be evolving as progress in the field progresses.

  • The RMMO 2024 mules

    These three rescues are very representative of mules in difficulty. We will remember : 1. The lack of specificity in the work: you don’t approach a mule like a horse. In fact, it would even be beneficial to approach horses like mules. There is in fact a method specific to hybrids. 2. Mules don't like change. This can be a real trauma for them. Adapting to a new place or a new referent can take a long time. 3. A mule, once confident, will be a partner ready for anything, affectionate and voluntary. On the other hand, a mule that is poorly approached and in a defensive position can become extremely dangerous. However, rest assured: if you make mistakes, they are also forgiving, as long as you stay fair. You can follow their progress on the page Facebook Duende ONC Born on 02/04/2016 in Spain, height 1.37 m, 8 years old From 2016 to 2017 it had 3 changes of ownership in Spain He ended his Spanish race by arriving in France, quite young around 18 months in a lot of Spanish horses, a lot bought by a horse dealer in Belgium He did not sell him, because he was too small, and very fast, this dealer sold him to another horse dealer, still in Belgium, where he was castrated by the latter...most certainly without sedation.. .who himself gave it to Muriel Herion, because he wanted to get rid of it quickly Muriel put him in the box, uncatchable but not aggressive, he threw himself into the walls. Lots of work in micro movements in boxing, with a lasso around his neck to work him from a distance, and finally managed to put him in a halter, then put him in a herd, and a little work, he gave his feet free, knew be lunged at three paces, and learned the 7 Parelli games. Duende is a nice mule, not aggressive but with a difficult start and keeping a strong fear in him He will trust HIS human, who must be fine, rather emotionally stable, the profile of his trainer Raphaëlle suits him perfectly, if you recognize yourself in her, you are potentially the right human A word from his trainer "Once he gains confidence, he becomes very close to humans, very cuddly and loves being taken care of. He will need someone gentle and patient" Fortune ONC Born on 05/28/2016 Height chart 1.25 m, 8 years old Fortune was born in the Grenoble region, to a purebred and quarter breeder, a surprise birth, when the purebred mare gave birth, the breeder was expecting a foal...He quickly took a dislike to him but however, agreed to give it, hesitating between this solution and the knife. It was Mathilde who picked him up at just 4 months, barely weaned, certainly a big trauma, because at barely 4 months he traveled by truck from Grenoble to Lot et Garonne to Mathilde's house, little Fortune was completely lost. . Mathilde did not know mules, but she knew donkeys very well. A great job was done with the help of her animals, and a teacher in ethological riding, for 5/6 years. He was neutered, put down and put to sleep around 2 1/2 years old There was a move from Lot et Garonne to Tarn, the move with all the friends went extremely well, the first to get in the van! Initially he was integrated with donkeys, but while playing he hurt the donkeys, and while playing he killed two lambs, Mathilde therefore integrated him with ponies, he even had a great girlfriend, but the ponies didn't play. not and Fortune was bored, so she made the decision to entrust him, for his well-being, especially after the death of his great friend Fortune walked in hand, gave feet, was playful with humans and sought interaction, he had started the long reins Young neophyte women in mules therefore came to look for him in 2022, to keep their horses company, there everything changed for Fortune, no mistreatment, but certainly a big sorrow not absorbed by his new companions who did not speak mules. He became wild, rebellious, fleeing all contact These humans appealed to place him after 8 months of incompatibility, even though the beginnings of a bond had begun to be created with Marie. Jeremy therefore took him back for the challenge, in RMMO in order to re-educate him and so that we could find the right human for him, and this time for life, another change would be much too difficult for him to live through. A CA was made to explain the situation to him, what emerged was a fear of humans who could "stuck" him and not really fear but a strong determination, and yet he remained curious It is still too early to know the profile of Fortune's human potential, we know that he has a preference for women. Like his two other colleagues, he will choose his human himself, under the watchful eye of Jeremy Nikita D'Annay ONC Born January 1, 2011 Height chart 1.20 m 13 years old She was born in Pas de Calais, arriving with Muriel around 2015 She came from a shelter who thought she was a donkey...Nikita was therefore adopted by an individual as a donkey, the individual did not survive because Nikita, dominant, attacked the ponies, this person called on a "Cow boy" who subdues her by tying her to a tree, Nikita gets hurt and then becomes furious, unapproachable Arriving at Muriel's house, furious, mad with rage, she throws herself into the walls, bangs her head against the walls of the box, so violently that she bleeds. From there, the choice is made work in freedom. Muriel works it with a 3 m long bamboo, to approach the contact. It worked well after 9 weeks, Nikita gave her feet and let her hand touch her all over her body. The French came to buy her for carriage, put into carriage in a week... Muriel had warned that Nikita was tame but not educated, these "mule connoisseurs" did not win against Nikita, and she returned to Muriel's where the approach work had to be redone, then put in the meadow for mental cleaning. Nikita was perfect in harness, but tried to violently attack the humans when they entered the box From there she joined the RMMO at Nadja who does extraordinary work Nikita is particularly intelligent, but with a heart like that, her relationship with humans will be exclusive. A word from the trainer: "Nadja describes her as "Stormy of mules", capable of the best in expert hands, a great challenge with a human who will have time to give her, she doesn't tolerate boredom well. Her future human will be an adult, with good knowledge of equines" Her disciplines: Equifeel (Where she will excel), Moutain trail with her fingers in her nose, pack but not exclusively To support the RMMO coaches, to support Duende, Fortune and Nikita it is here

  • Update on the month of May

    Two trainers joined the challenge: Jérémy with Fortune in RMMO, and Olivier with Canina in MMO. Apart from this, no notable incident has been reported. Couples evolve at their own pace and that of their partner. The weather, although unstable, is still more conducive to outdoor outings. With the days getting longer, the days are longer, which makes filming easier. MMO All in the saddle, or almost! Kalinka This pretty mule turns out to be really very nice, kind, confident with her partner Anouk, and willingly accepts Dominic now. Moreover, she tolerated it on her back during a walk outside, in magnificent landscapes. His first mounted sessions were a success, without stress, with sometimes some misunderstandings for beginners. She appears calm and patient, still full of energy, and is not afraid of much. Préciosa The beautiful and kind Préciosa has not denied her reputation as a kind young lady. With its biped Nadja, this couple evolves cleanly, smoothly. Préciosa took her first steps under the saddle, in a riding school, then outside, which was a sort of non-event for her, except that outside there are plenty of things to see. She also tried Mule Jumping, but it's not really her thing. Canina Canina joined the challenge with Olivier at the beginning of May. Canina has been worked on before, but not properly, resulting in apprehension of humans and flight behavior, even if humans intrigue her. Yes, Canina is curious. Her new owners entrusted her to Olivier Barascud, who is also an equine behaviorist. She is in good hands. For these first sessions, Olivier seeks to create a bond, studies his defenses and addresses them by proposing appropriate solutions. He also seeks to establish relaxation in their interactions. Kouli It's touching to see how the relationship between Kouli and Coralie develops in an atmosphere of intimacy and trust. These moments of calm and connection are precious and essential to strengthening their bond. Mules, like many other animals, deeply appreciate these moments of tranquility shared with their favorite humans. Kouli's passage to the saddle after the bat marks an important step. The fact that his first career steps with Coralie went smoothly is a testament to the patience and mutual understanding they share. This progression, carried out without haste and with great gentleness, is the reflection of a harmonious and respectful relationship. This shows how crucial it is to respect the animal's rhythm to establish a lasting and peaceful relationship. Julia The month of May brought its share of challenges for this couple. Julia, suffering from lower back pain, had to be stopped, but fortunately, a visit to the osteopath helped to resolve this problem. However, finding the ideal saddle remains a priority. Julia represents a real challenge in terms of saddlery, being a mule with a fine conformation, a straight back and lightly defined shoulders. As expected, Julia turns out to be a delicate and sensitive creature, as agile as a cat and capable of very rapid reactions. Joshua, with all his expertise, must demonstrate great finesse and skill to adapt to his particular needs. His extensive experience is reassuring, as he is well equipped to handle this situation. Despite these complications, Julia also ascended, showing that she continues to progress and adapt to challenges with the help of her dedicated team. Eporédo The little piece of the MMO continues his peaceful path in the mountains, surrounded by his human Patricia, his friend Lamy, goats and yaks. This little philosopher follows his own rhythm, a rhythm that Patricia respects with great patience and kindness. The bat is almost acquired, as well as the use of the saddlebags. There's still a little work left before it's fully ready for mountain escapades. The trust and dialogue between him and Patricia must still be strengthened and refined. Little by little, he begins to come out of his shell. These moments are fleeting, but they are more and more present, a sign of continuous progress and an increasing openness towards its environment and its companions. he will certainly become a safe and confident companion for all adventures to come. RMMO The two friends Duende and Nikita were joined by Fortune, the rebel. The group is complete. These three will be searching for their forever family. They have had or will have an animal communication session with Cécile Guillaume, to explain the situation to them, learn to speak well with humans in order to find them their human for life Duende The hypersensitive has really left his baggage with Raphaëlle, it's a given, she's his referent. The fine work continues, the result is there, it's fluid, harmonious, when Duende is available, because like a good self-respecting mule, sometimes there are more interesting things to do, including tracking your favorite girlfriend. Raphaëlle prepares him for riding, acceptance of a bareback riding mat, the weight of the human in a potato sack, it goes pretty well. For this couple too, the saddle will pose a problem Duende is up to date with vaccinations, has seen the dentist and is ready for trimming and osteo visit His papers are in progress, Duende being a mule coming from Spain, it's more complicated Fortune This little thoroughbred mule is more complicated than expected. Jeremy must be racking his brains... Rebel, the mule defending in all its splendor, flees the human. He learned that by showing the buttocks and throwing the posteriors, he could intimidate them. A post on the story of Fortune and her two companions will be made. But in Fortune's life, there was some very, very bad, then some very, very good, and some not good, because there was great sadness. Jeremy picked up a disillusioned, sad and aggressive Fortune. The typical example of the mule who didn't want to leave his house, his friends, where he was so happy Their first steps were towards approach, connection, contact. Fortune masters the lunge snatch magnificently... He is up to date with his vaccinations, his CA has been done, his feet remain Nikita The rebellious little cork loves his new life. The climate has allowed her to be put in the meadow, and she is having a blast. This human, Nadja, she really likes her. She offers him lots of varied activities and Nikita appreciates that. Besides, Nikita does everything with her eyes closed: the Equifeel, the Mountain Trail, the walking games and even the jump. Future Mule Jumping champion in her category! Nadja continues work on taking the hindquarters for trimming. Remember, in April, she found the solution: she sat down... We begin to see what Nikita excels at: the Equifeel, the Mountain Trail and a lot of presence from his human reference. Nikita seems exclusive, needs her human all to herself. She's a precious little princess, and she knows it As a reminder, when Nikita was picked up by the first association, she threw herself against the walls of her box, tore off the lead, with zero confidence in humans. She’s come a long way, the thing! She is up to date with her vaccinations, previous ones OK, later ones to come. His papers are in order To financially help the trainers and the association in the care of these three mules, it is here

  • The Pyrenees mule

    The second mule register recognized in France. The Pyrenees mule is a type of mule which is not recognized by the French national stud farms, but which has been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture since 2005. Mulasse production was very important in the Pyrenees and was a great source of returned until 1940, when there were up to annual births of these mules for the department of Ariège alone The Pyrenees Mule is raised on the Lannemezan plateau and in mountainous areas. The quality of its breeding is due to the particularity of its terroir and the centuries-old know-how of the Pyrenees, who have been able to combine tradition with evolving needs. We find its traces in the time of the Romans who used it in a box, particularly in Spain and Gaul. Widely used in the armies, the mule gradually declined due to mechanization from 1914. Until 1950, France was able to ensure the sustainability of its production thanks to large exports to many countries with warm climates. Height: from 1.50 m to 1.60 m Dresses: black or bay brown Abilities: the Pyrenees Mule combines the sobriety of the Baudet du Poitou and the strength of its mother (Trait Breton, Percheron, Anglo-Arab, Castillonnais or Mérens). This equine is both docile, incredibly calm and very robust. The mule adapts very well to varied terrain and different climatic conditions. Activities: Small Pyrenees mules, mostly from Mérens or Castillonnais mothers, are appreciated for packs or saddles. The larger mules, from Trait Breton or Percheron mothers, are ideal for agricultural work (skidding, work in the vineyard, etc.), traction and hitching. Finally, the mules of Anglo-Arab mothers are very famous for the saddle and endurance.

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