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Writer's pictureMules Qui peut

The RMMO coaches, heroes

Updated: Feb 5

Little Beauty should have taken part in the RMMO with Juliette. Beauty is still at L'association les chevaux d'Elo on stand-by, unchipped and unvaccinated because she can't be caught. Juliette had accepted the challenge as a good mule pro.

Taking part in the RMMO (Rescue Mule Makeover) challenge is much more than a simple decision. It's embracing the unknown, venturing into an unprecedented experience. When they said yes in September, everything was still in embryo, an idea floating in the air.

It's devoting their already busy time, between their own animals, their profession, and their family life. It's total devotion to a cause that demands dedication, patience and a deep passion for these extraordinary creatures.

It's also a significant financial commitment, a decision to take charge of a living creature, with all the responsibilities that implies, for 7 months. It means investing not only money, but also heart and energy in an adventure that promises both challenges and priceless rewards.

And then there's the risk. The challenge of working with an intelligent, hypersensitive but wild animal. It's an adventure that demands courage, understanding and a deep connection with a living being that has its own rhythm, personality, fears and hopes.

By accepting the RMMO challenge, they have demonstrated a remarkable daring, a willingness to step out of their comfort zone to make a difference in the life of a living being. It's more than just a competition, it's a journey into the unknown, a story of commitment, determination and love for these exceptional animals.

Indeed, taking part in the RMMO challenge goes beyond simply choosing an aesthetically pleasing mule. It's about accepting whoever comes along, regardless of outward appearance, size or background. It's an act of generosity towards a creature that may not fit traditional beauty criteria, but is just as much in need of love, care and a second chance.

It also means going where she is, sometimes far away, in remote places, at the cost of time-consuming and expensive travel. It's a commitment to animal welfare, a determination to offer an opportunity to a mule that would otherwise have been overlooked.

And all this often takes place during working hours, without financial compensation. It's a personal investment that goes beyond monetary considerations, a declaration of solidarity with these animals who deserve a better life.e.

Participating in the RMMO thus becomes an act of selflessness, passion and dedication to a cause that transcends conventional boundaries. It's a tribute to the inner beauty of every mule, and to the conviction that every being deserves a chance to be loved and understood, whatever the challenges that entails.

Raphaëlle and Nadja pick up their mules from the bankrupt Namur refuge.

Juliette from Doubs picks up hers from a refuge in Yonne

Itinerant Jeremy travels through the Lot to pick up his mule from private owners

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