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Writer's pictureMules Qui peut

The RMMO 2024 mules

These three rescues are very representative of mules in difficulty.

We will remember :

1. The lack of specificity in the work: you don’t approach a mule like a horse. In fact, it would even be beneficial to approach horses like mules. There is in fact a method specific to hybrids.

2. Mules don't like change. This can be a real trauma for them. Adapting to a new place or a new referent can take a long time.

3. A mule, once confident, will be a partner ready for anything, affectionate and voluntary. On the other hand, a mule that is poorly approached and in a defensive position can become extremely dangerous. However, rest assured: if you make mistakes, they are also forgiving, as long as you stay fair.

You can follow their progress on the page Facebook



Born on 02/04/2016 in Spain, height 1.37 m, 8 years old

From 2016 to 2017 it had 3 changes of ownership in Spain

He ended his Spanish race by arriving in France, quite young around 18 months in a lot of Spanish horses, a lot bought by a horse dealer in Belgium

He did not sell him, because he was too small, and very fast, this dealer sold him to another horse dealer, still in Belgium, where he was castrated by the latter...most certainly without sedation.. .who himself gave it to Muriel Herion, because he wanted to get rid of it quickly

Muriel put him in the box, uncatchable but not aggressive, he threw himself into the walls. Lots of work in micro movements in boxing, with a lasso around his neck to work him from a distance, and finally managed to put him in a halter, then put him in a herd, and a little work, he gave his feet free, knew be lunged at three paces, and learned the 7 Parelli games.

Duende is a nice mule, not aggressive but with a difficult start and keeping a strong fear in him

He will trust HIS human, who must be fine, rather emotionally stable, the profile of his trainer Raphaëlle suits him perfectly, if you recognize yourself in her, you are potentially the right human

A word from his trainer "Once he gains confidence, he becomes very close to humans, very cuddly and loves being taken care of. He will need someone gentle and patient"



Born on 05/28/2016

Height chart 1.25 m, 8 years old

Fortune was born in the Grenoble region, to a purebred and quarter breeder, a surprise birth, when the purebred mare gave birth, the breeder was expecting a foal...He quickly took a dislike to him but however, agreed to give it, hesitating between this solution and the knife. It was Mathilde who picked him up at just 4 months, barely weaned, certainly a big trauma, because at barely 4 months he traveled by truck from Grenoble to Lot et Garonne to Mathilde's house, little Fortune was completely lost. .

Mathilde did not know mules, but she knew donkeys very well. A great job was done with the help of her animals, and a teacher in ethological riding, for 5/6 years.

He was neutered, put down and put to sleep around 2 1/2 years old

There was a move from Lot et Garonne to Tarn, the move with all the friends went extremely well, the first to get in the van!

Initially he was integrated with donkeys, but while playing he hurt the donkeys, and while playing he killed two lambs, Mathilde therefore integrated him with ponies, he even had a great girlfriend, but the ponies didn't play. not and Fortune was bored, so she made the decision to entrust him, for his well-being, especially after the death of his great friend

Fortune walked in hand, gave feet, was playful with humans and sought interaction, he had started the long reins

Young neophyte women in mules therefore came to look for him in 2022, to keep their horses company, there everything changed for Fortune, no mistreatment, but certainly a big sorrow not absorbed by his new companions who did not speak mules. He became wild, rebellious, fleeing all contact

These humans appealed to place him after 8 months of incompatibility, even though the beginnings of a bond had begun to be created with Marie.

Jeremy therefore took him back for the challenge, in RMMO in order to re-educate him and so that we could find the right human for him, and this time for life, another change would be much too difficult for him to live through.

A CA was made to explain the situation to him, what emerged was a fear of humans who could "stuck" him and not really fear but a strong determination, and yet he remained curious

It is still too early to know the profile of Fortune's human potential, we know that he has a preference for women. Like his two other colleagues, he will choose his human himself, under the watchful eye of Jeremy

Nikita D'Annay


Born January 1, 2011

Height chart 1.20 m 13 years old

She was born in Pas de Calais, arriving with Muriel around 2015

She came from a shelter who thought she was a donkey...Nikita was therefore adopted by an individual as a donkey, the individual did not survive because Nikita, dominant, attacked the ponies, this person called on a "Cow boy" who subdues her by tying her to a tree, Nikita gets hurt and then becomes furious, unapproachable

Arriving at Muriel's house, furious, mad with rage, she throws herself into the walls, bangs her head against the walls of the box, so violently that she bleeds. From there, the choice is made work in freedom. Muriel works it with a 3 m long bamboo, to approach the contact. It worked well after 9 weeks, Nikita gave her feet and let her hand touch her all over her body.

The French came to buy her for carriage, put into carriage in a week... Muriel had warned that Nikita was tame but not educated, these "mule connoisseurs" did not win against Nikita, and she returned to Muriel's where the approach work had to be redone, then put in the meadow for mental cleaning.

Nikita was perfect in harness, but tried to violently attack the humans when they entered the box

From there she joined the RMMO at Nadja who does extraordinary work

Nikita is particularly intelligent, but with a heart like that, her relationship with humans will be exclusive.

A word from the trainer: "Nadja describes her as "Stormy of mules", capable of the best in expert hands, a great challenge with a human who will have time to give her, she doesn't tolerate boredom well. Her future human will be an adult, with good knowledge of equines"

Her disciplines: Equifeel (Where she will excel), Moutain trail with her fingers in her nose, pack but not exclusively

To support the RMMO coaches, to support Duende, Fortune and Nikita it is here

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